I haven't written a post for such a long time but the last week was so busy, busy, busy that I just couldn't work round to write a line. My mother came to visit (she is living more than 400 km away from us) because my husband and I wanted to take a break from everyday life. It's been our 16th wedding day and we decided to go to Yorkshire for a couple of days. So my mother agreed to take care of the children, the dog and the house and off we went! We have never been to Yorkshire before but I have always wanted to go there and I was keen to visit Yarndale as well, of course!
On Sunday then we went to Skipton, parked our car near the train station and had a lovely morning walk through the Aireville Park to Yarndale. What a feast for the eyes! There's been so much gorgeous yarnbombing in the park.
And then there were all the gorgeous mandalas that have been sent to Lucy from attic24.
I neglected to take more photos of the vendors - too busy looking round. My husband soon left me for some other distraction...
That's me visiting Yarndale, maybe not the best foto in the world but it reveals a lucky me!
There were, of course, absolutely loads of fantastic vendors and lots of amazing yarns. I just couldn't stop touching all this soft and precious yarn. And I did some shopping, of course. Not too much because I have so many, many projects in my basket that want to be finished first. But there is no point in visiting a yarn market without buying any yarn, isn't there? 
This is Drops Alpaca yarn in a beautiful green that will match with my winter coat just perfectly. It is a very light and soft yarn, I could have bought all the different colours!This is also a Drops yarn, a baby merino in a wonderful raspberry shade together with one ball of soft pink. I don't know what I will make out of it, but I just had to buy it.
And the last one... A silk and alpaca mix for a wonderful lace shawl. Something luxurios, I will take my time to find the perfect pattern for such beautiful yarn.
This is quite a long post now and I haven't written a word about our wonderful trip to the Yorkshire dales. I will soon come back and write about it. These four days were absolutely lovely and I'll tell you more about it next time.
Sorry that I haven't had the time to read your blog posts and write some comments. As soon as there is a little time slot again, I will catch up with all that has happened the last two weeks.
Have a beautiful day! Viola